PLL Algorithms: 3×3 A-Z (for all 84 angles & performance notes) – UPDATED to V1.1

[Updated to V1.1 on July 29,2015. Added Finger Abbreviations page.]

At last, I’ve had time to complete and edit my PLL guide. The first section is organised by PLL name, with algorithms for each PLLs four angles on a single page. The document contains hyperlinks and is designed for nonlinear use. The Contents page has links to every PLL and to each section. You can click/tap the PLL map in the centre of each PLL page to jump to another page that offers performance notes for each of the algorithms;tapping on the PLL map in the middle of the  tapping the performance notes pages will take you back to the main PLL page for that algorithm. Tapping on the Parity Case Cubing logo on any page will bring you back to the Contents page. If you find the guide useful, drop me a comment.

Happy twistin’!

NOTE: Viewed best when downloaded and opened in a PDF reader, rather than in a browser window (Firefox’s reader offsets the internal hyperlinks by a few pages, weird…). Works well in Adobe Reader, and in iBooks on an iPad, hopefully elsewhere too.

PFD download link:  PLL Algs A-Z 84 Angles v1.1_Parity Case Cubing (2015)

PLL Algs v1.1 Cover

 All logos, text and images © Mark S. Bryan, 2015
Algorithms are public domain
May be distributed freely as a complete PDF.

The following is from the Introduction section:

There are many 3×3 PLL algorithms available on the internet.* Why have I compiled this set? Why these algorithms? Why from each of the four angles?

When I was working on PLL 2SR: A guide to recognising PLLs by looking at only two sides, I noticed that the angles I recognized most easily were those that I had been using as my stock set of PLLs for some time – suggesting that my recognition was aided by use and repetition. Learning algorithms for multiple angles for each PLL can thus speed recognition and reduce AUF turns, potentially reducing solving time.**

The algorithms contained here are a combination of those I have found online over the last few years (some in their original form; others reworked to be more finger-trickable, to flow better or to reduce cube rotations), and algorithms I have found while experimenting with the cube (others may have found them before me).

But… are these algorithms the ‘best’?

Algorithm preference is a subjective matter, depending in part on your turning style and abilities. The algorithms here present an opportunity to plug any gaps where you may currently lack an algorithm or where you have trouble with recognition. You may find AUFs faster in some cases, or prefer to only learn one or two angles per PLL.

I compiled this set of algorithms to help me improve at PLL. I am sharing it in the hope that you might find it useful too.

Many thanks to the cubing community at, this document is heavily indebted to your contributions to the shared knowledge base.

* PLL = Permutation of the Last Layer

** AUF = Adjustment of Upper Face, aligning it to your preferred solving angle.

OLL #20 – Alternate Execution

Teller West recently posted  a video on YouTube showing how he performs OLL 20 using an algorithm from Wong Chong Wen. Antoine Cantin posted another way of doing the same moves.  They use: R2 S’ R2′ U’ S2′ U’ R2 S’ R2′, but I find it easier to start with R2′, as it sets up your right index and middle fingers in a stronger position to do the S2′ double-flick. Note that at that point, your right thumb should only be on the upper front right piece, not blocking the S’ move. I use:

(R2′ S’ R2 U’) S2′ (U’ R2′ S’ R2)


I also show it can be employed to rotate two opposite centres 180 degrees on a supercube (one where centre piece orientation matters), using my Reuben King Cube. Put the opposite centres on the left and right, and do the algorithm twice. I used to do two T PLLs on each of those sides, so this reduces the move count from 14*2*2 (=56) to 18 moves. Much easier!


Teller West:
Antoine Cantin:

-Check out their channels for a ton of other useful tips.

Updated: PLL 2SR: A guide to recognising PLLs by looking at only two sides [V2.0]

Downloadable PDF:

PLLs – 2SR v2.0 (Parity Case Cubing 2014)

Key changes in V2.0:

  • Improved aesthetics (logo, cover, color, etc.)
  • Simplified some descriptions
  • Changed title slightly
  • Minor typos and image problems fixed
  • Added in-document hyperlinks (Click logos to return to Contents page; Contents page links to each section, and to each PLL)
  • Added external hyperlinks in Credits and Resources page
  • Updated Parity Case Cubing website and contact info

My PLL 2-Sided Recognition Guide (aka “time to give something back”)

Downloadable PDF: [updated from V1.0 to V2.0 on May 29, 2014]
PLLs – 2SR v2.0 (Parity Case Cubing 2014)

This guide deals only with Permuting the Last Layer (PLL) of a 3×3 Rubik’s-style cube. The aim is to make it easier to distinguish each of the 21 PLLs by looking at only two sides (i.e., just one of the four possible angles). This can reduce your time when speed-solving as you will not have to turn the cube to look at the hidden sides.

The guide requires that you can solve the first two layers of a 3×3 cube, can Orient the Last Layer (OLL) to make the top of your cube a solid color, and have PLL algorithms. There are excellent guides to doing all of these things on the web and on YouTube, and I have provided some resources at the back. In addition, I will soon be uploading a guide to doing PLLs from all (or most) angles of each PLL. Also in progress is an F2L guide and a multi-angle OLL guide.

Other cube aficionados have created very helpful guides to recognizing PLLs from just two sides. I put this guide together: to help me learn; to approach and present the material in a way that suits my learning style; and to contribute something to the cubing community. You may have a different learning style and find the other guides easier to use, or may simply find seeing how others conceptualize the same problem useful for improving your recognition. You can’t have too much good information to choose from. The “Credits and Resources” section will help you find those guides.

Suggestions? There’s a handy comment box below…